Sunday, March 2, 2014

Signs you need a new Roof: signs you need a new roof

Signs you need a new Roof: signs you need a new roof: 7 signs you need a new roof Inspecting your home's roof for damage or defect can help you determine if a new roof...

signs you need a new roof

7 signs you need a new roof

Inspecting your home's roof for damage or defect can help you determine if a new roof is necessary. (Photo courtesy of Angie's List member Frank W. of O'Fallon, Mo.)
Inspecting your home's roof for damage or defect can help you determine if a new roof is necessary. (lepards roofing)
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Most people figure that they need a new roof after they spot a leak in their ceiling. This leak could be due to many different factors. But what determines whether a repair will solve the problem or a whole new roof?
Here are some tips to help you determine if you need a new roof:

7 signs you need a new roof

 - How old is your existing shingle roof? Most experts agree that a typical roof will last between 20 and 25 years. That also depends on whether the old roof was removed and you only have one layer of shingles and if it is properly ventilated. If the roof you have was installed over another layer or layers and it is older than 20 years, chances are you will be looking at a new roof.
2. Curling and buckling of shingles - Shingles that are curled or buckling are another sign that you may need a new roof. By looking at the slopes of your home that have direct sunlight and you notice the shingles are curling and losing granules it could mean the shingles are past their life expectancy. There could also be a possibility that the roof is defective.
Contact a licensed roofing contractor to see if you could be eligible for reimbursement.
3. Valleys - If your shingles are falling apart or missing in this area, it is a definite sign you may need a new roof. Valleys are one of the most important areas of your roof. Snow and rain flow through valleys and into gutters. If the valley is compromised you could be susceptible to leaks.
4. Missing shingles – These are another sign your roof could be failing. Check to see if all of the “tabs” are intact.
5. Chimney flashing – This is another area to be concerned about. If your flashing consists of roof cement or tar, it may need to be replaced with a long term, water-tight fitting which would be a metal flashing system.
6. Shingle granules in the gutters - Look in your gutters to see if they are loaded up with granules. Roofs tend to lose more granules toward the end of their life cycle.

7. Daylight through the roof boards - Check your attic to see if there is any daylight coming through the roof boards. Also check for moisture in the insulation.

About this  Expert: Corey lepard is the president and owner of lepards roofing, a family owned business since 2001.

Does your roof need repairs?

Curled shingles can be the result of improper ventilation or insulation that creates moisture in the attic, says Lindus. (Photo courtesy of Lindus Construction/Midwest LeafGuard)
Curled shingles can be the result of improper ventilation or insulation that creates moisture in the attic, says corey lepard
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Your roof protects your home and its contents from rain, snow and sunlight, so it's imperative to keep it in good working condition. Because your roof is a complex structure that's exposed 24-7 to nature’s elements, there are a variety of issues that can occur.
It’s also important to address small problems before they lead to larger - and more costly - ones. Early spring and summer are great times to assess your roof to see if replacement or repair is needed.

Important home improvement projects for summer

Regular roofing and siding maintenance are important in order to circumvent costly repairs and maintain the overall aesthetic appeal of you home, says Lindus (Photo courtesy of Angie's List member Christina P. of San Francisco)
Regular roofing and siding maintenance are important in order to circumvent costly repairs and maintain the overall aesthetic appeal of you home, says corey lepard
Every homeowner should perform home maintenance tasks to in order to circumvent costly repairs and maintain the overall aesthetic appeal and value of their home. Below, we’ve laid out some maintenance plans for the summer months.

We recommend self-inspecting your deck each year for issues such as loose nails or screws and wood that is rotted or warping. Ignoring these issues can compromise the deck’s stability. A deck will last longer if it is power washed annually and stained as often as needed.
It’s important to inspect your roof every six months to ensure it’s in good working order. It’s best to catch potential issues in good weather rather than in the middle of a thunderstorm when you encounter water leaking into your home. 
Warning signs that your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan include curling shingles, loose granules and discoloration. It’s also a good idea to have a professional come out and inspect your roof after storms with heavy winds, excessive rain or hail.

Closely examine your siding to see if any of it has become loosened or has started to rot. It’s imperative that damaged siding is addressed as quickly as possible so that moisture does not have the opportunity to set in. 
All types of siding can benefit from a spring cleaning. This can be done by the professionals or by using a long-handled brush dipped in soapy water. Power washing is not recommended in most cases because it can damage the siding.

Temperature control 
Check for cracks and drafts in windows and doors, which not only raise the temperature of your home but also your energy bills.
Air filters 
The purpose of an air filter is to keep airborne contaminants out of your home. The cleaner your air filter is, the less your home’s HVAC system has to work to keep your home cool. How often you change your air filter depends on the following:
  • Pets
  • Number of people living in your home
  • Type of filter being used
  • Level of air pollution and construction around the home
Driveways and walkways
Small cracks can be remedied by visiting your local home improvement store and purchasing a product that allows for patching and resealing. If there are a number of cracks or ones that are significant, we feel it’s best to call a professional so that there’s little to no evidence of the patching. 
Looking for a way to ditch the weeds that keep making their way through cracks in the pavement? While it’s tempting to pull them, doing so does not eliminate the root system and before you know it, the weeds are back. A solution that eliminates this problem for the rest of the season is boiling a pot of water on the stove and carefully dumping it on them.

7 tips for choosing the right roof color

Updating your roof is one of the most significant investments you can make as a homeowner. 
We’ve compiled some tips on how to make the roofing color selection as stress-free as possible.
1. Don’t rush it
This is not a decision that should be rushed – it’s okay to take some time to give it serious thought. Consider if your color choice will be what you want years down the road.
2. Talk with your estimator 
The individual giving you an estimate has likely overseen hundreds of roofing jobs and can speak to which colors will best compliment your home’s structure and current siding. It’s easier to change your roofing than your siding, so be sure the shingle color you have chosen does not clash with the siding and trim.
3. Go over all of the options 

There are many different and unique shingle options on the market. Use your home’s architecture as a guide for whether your new shingles should be a singular color or a blend of multiple colors.
4. Utilize available technology
Many roofing manufacturers have software that allows customers the ability to download a photo of their home or select a housing style and drop in different colored siding and roofing options. Ask your roofing estimator if this is an option you are able to utilize.
5. Examine the shingles
Examine life-size samples of your top shingle choices. Holding them up against your current shingles will allow you to see how much the new choices vary from what you currently have.
6. Look around your neighborhood
What do other homes in your neighborhood have? It’s important to be sure that your selections compliment your neighborhood. A choice that is not complimentary to neighboring homes may make selling your home more difficult down the road.
7. Know your home’s style
Evaluate your home’s style to decide what is an appropriate color and what is not. For example, a Spanish style home is going to look out of place with blue shingles. Home magazines can also be helpful in showcasing different styles of homes and the shingle colors that suit them the best.

6 ways to void your roof warranty

Putting a satellite dish or antenna on your roof could void your roof warranty, as drilling holes into the roof can make it more susceptible to leaks, says Lindus. (Photo courtesy of Angie's List member  Garth N. of Vancouver, Wash.)
Putting a satellite dish or antenna on your roof could void your roof warranty, as drilling holes into the roof can make it more susceptible to leaks, says corey lepard
Every roofing manufacturer is a little different when it comes to warranties. Some warranties are prorated while others aren’t. Some cover labor and materials while others only cover materials. Certain warranties are transferrable while others only cover the current homeowner and, of course, the length of the warranty varies. 
Just like the terms mentioned above, each manufacturer has different criteria when it comes to what voids a warranty and what doesn’t, so it’s important to understand what’s covered in your roof’s warranty and what actions you can take to not void that warranty. Below, we’ve outlined six of the more common reasons a roofing warranty claim may be rejected. 
1. Improper ventilation 
A roof ventilation system works by pulling in outside air from intake vents that are placed on the lower part of the roof. The air that is taken in is displaced through higher parts of the roof. The result of inadequate venting is moisture and heat being trapped in your attic. 
Additional heat on the bottom side of shingles can cause them to wear prematurely and fade. It’s important to have proper ventilation, which regulates the intake and outtake of air in your attic and keeps your shingles at an ideal temperature. 
2. Incorrect installation
Roofing manufacturers have strict regulations regarding how their roofs are installed. This can include things like number of nails per shingle, length of the nail and more. Because of this, it’s strongly recommended that homeowners work with a contractor familiar with the type of roof they are installing. 
3. Hot roofs

A hot roof is a roof that lacks ventilation because the roof sheathing is coated with spray foam insulation. This can cause the shingle temperature to rise, resulting in faded color and a shorter lifespan for the shingles. 
Before moving forward with a hot roof, check with the roofing manufacturer to make sure that doing so will not void your roofing warranty. Be sure to check with your city to see if they have restrictions on hot roofing before proceeding with your project. 
4. Antennas and satellite dishes
It’s important to understand that satellite dishes and antennas can affect your roofing warranty. While the fine print varies between manufacturers, oftentimes you’ll find that a satellite dish or antennae will not completely void the roofing warranty, but it may void the portion that covers leaking since drilling holes into a roof make it more susceptible to leaks. 
5. Pressure washing
Moss on a roof can damage it over time because it can trap moisture against the roof’s surface. This can cause premature wear on the roof because it can lead to increased frost damage, which causes cracking to shingle granules. 
To eradicate moss, some homeowners choose to pressure wash their roof. Doing this at a high setting can void the roof warranty because shingles are not designed to withstand the effects of close range pressure washing and the roofing granules can start to deteriorate or separate from the shingle. 
Should you find yourself in a situation where moss is growing on your roof, it is recommended that you use metallic zinc strips near your roof’s peak. This method works because rain water will run off the zinc strips and kill the moss.
6. Installing the new roof over the old roof
Installing a new roof on top of your old roof will void or shorten your warranty in most cases. There are a couple reasons for this. The first is that a second layer of shingles will expend heat more slowly, which will shorten the shingles’ lifespan. It can also cause the new shingles to fit to the old shingles, causing bulges. This can cause the roof to wear unevenly.

Hail damage: separating fact from fiction

It is a good idea to get a reputable professional to evaluate whether your roof has been compromised as some effects of hail are not immediately evident, says corey lepard
Hail damage can be extremely destructive to your roof and cause stress and hassle as you seek to repair the damage. Separating fact from fiction about hail damage can help ensure that you get the necessary help to repair your roof.
Fiction: If I can’t see indentations on my roof, there’s no need to have my roof inspected because there clearly is no damage.
Fact: It is a good idea to work with a reputable professional to evaluate whether your roof has been compromised. Some effects of hail are not immediately evident. 
A roof can be weakened by hail, but not fail for a year or two. Hail can void your roofing manufacturer’s warranty, another reason it’s important to have your roof evaluated if you suspect hail damage.
Fiction: Foregoing an insurance claim on hail damage means that your rates won’t go up.
Fact: Insurance companies can raise everyone’s rates after a disaster. The only thing that you are doing by failing to file a claim is helping everyone else pay for their damage without getting the assistance you need.
Fiction: I just had a new roof installed. I don’t have to file an insurance claim because the manufacturer has a 50-year warranty.
Fact: Roofing manufacturers will cover against things they can control, such as manufacturing defects, but they cannot warranty against Mother Nature.
Fiction: If visual damage from hail is not evident, the resale value of my home is unaffected.
Fact: Upon placing your home on the market, a potential buyer will likely utilize the services of a home inspector who will carefully evaluate your property. It’s highly likely that they will find evidence of the hail damage and you’ll be forced to either replace the roof or dramatically lower the sale price if you wish to keep the sale intact.
Fiction: The hail was small; it couldn’t have caused any damage.
Fact: Hail of all sizes can cause issues. When in doubt, get an evaluation to ensure that you are covered, if in fact your home has experienced hail damage.
Fiction: I can get a new roof for free if the contractor offers to pay my deductible for free.
Fact: Anyone who offers to do this here in the state of Minnesota is breaking the law.
Fiction: I have a year to file a claim after the damage has occurred.
Fact: This varies from company to company. Some are less and others will go over the year mark, especially if a large geographical area was affected.
Fiction: My neighbors were able to get a hail damage claim approved on their property. Mine should be a no-brainer.

  price a new roof today

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                                              corey lepard